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  • jamie16917 9:57 am on December 28, 2017 Permalink | Reply  

    How to sift through the online available sources? 

    I am a PHd student in the field of comparative literature. My Thesis includes a comparative study of the personal diaries of a prominent Urdu Historian and poet Altaf Hussain Hali with the two collection (divan) of his poems, in order to reconstruct the political and literary debate of the time, which seems shed light on an alternative perception of reality that was being perceived and experienced. I am not fluent in the language in which Hali wrote, therefore most of my reading has been in translation, there seems to be a number of translations available of the same. These many translations have put me in a dilemma because each of it tends to posit a slightly different or altogether different stance. What could be the best way to select or reject the translated texts, particularly when they deal with history?

    • Alisa Craig 10:28 am on December 28, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Name:Alisa Craig Email: Craigcoolqueen@gmail.com
      Hi, your research sounds very interesting, and this a common problem that any scholar dealing with a translated texts has to face. I suggest you could focus on the translation intent of every translator which would give you a fair understanding of the stance and intention of the translator thereby explaining the omission or additions you must have encountered, and you could also chronologically align the publishing dates that would also allow you to come to an understanding of the changes that have occurred over time. This way you could make an informed decision.

    • Aaron Wilson 10:30 am on December 28, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Name:Aaron Wilson Email: Wislon.aaron2014@gmail.com

      Hello, This is a valid anxiety, since translation is a nuanced phenomenon it tends to differ from the other translations sometimes. I suggest you could consider a number of them even if they differ from each other, and then you can elaborately refute or laud these translations and try to build a discourse out of it, that will allow you a better scope of comparison and analysis. Then you could try and work your way out of this confusion.

  • Anil. S 9:14 am on December 28, 2017 Permalink | Reply  

    How to formulate a research topic out of a broad research interest? 

    Hi mates
    I am in the course of pursuing my Masters degree in Anthropology, and now in the second year I am required to submit a proposal, even though my university has briefed us about the particulars regarding the proposal, but I have not been able to chisel out my research topic, my research interest lies in exploring the Gond shrines of Maharashtra located in three different locations (in Maharashtra), the increasing mobilization of Gondi tribe around these areas. Since there are different motives that inform the establishment and reification of these three shrines, it has left me confused as to which strand of it should I go ahead to pursue. I welcome any sort of suggestions.

    • Ella Davies 9:31 am on December 28, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Name:Ella Davies Email: D.Ella231994@gmail.com

      Hi buddy!! for a proposal, you are required to narrow down your research interest to a concise as well as a precise topic. You would be required to formulate a topic that would answer three questions of ‘Why’, ‘What’, and ‘How’. Following is a helpful resource to help you decide on a research topic: http://pages.ucsd.edu/~jmoore/courses/Parish.html. After you think you have reached that stage then you can go ahead to read around and about the topic or in other words review literature of that topic. This would further provide solidity to your research topic. Attaching here a link to a page that elaborates on literature review formulation: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3715443/.

    • Rupert Wilson 9:33 am on December 28, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Name: Rupert Wilson Email: Wilson.rupert44@gmail.com

      Hey!! Your research interest seems to be a very promising one, I happen to belong to the same area i.e. Maharashtra. If the different locations of the shrine are the main concern then you could look at the very idea of the shrine within the belief system of the Gondi tribe, aligning it with the recent mobilization of the people of the Gondi tribe and what are the underlining motives that inform the establishment of such new shrines.

  • wilson349 9:23 am on December 20, 2017 Permalink | Reply  

    How to select secondary resources to include in Literature Review? 

    Hi All!
    I’m currently pursuing a research project on Diet and Nutrition, particularly on how different food types increase or decrease the likelihood of heart disease. The purpose of the study is to further existing research in the field and eventually help nutritionists in designing diet charts for patients of heart disease. I have begun writing a literature review for my proposal but can’t seem to narrow down the secondary resources I should include in the review, the large number of resources available on the internet is confusing me. I have gone through a lot of journals on the subject but am having a tough time selecting research articles. How does one figure out which resources are reliable and will go well with my topic? Can anyone provide some tips to help me with the selection process?

    • joseph664 6:48 am on December 21, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Hi Wilson349!
      I went through a similar crises while writing the literature review for my research proposal, the process can seem overwhelming at times. I suggest that you narrow down your search for resources to only credible ones i.e. that which are available in peer-reviewed online journals. Do not include papers from websites of unaccredited journals, there are a large number of such papers available online, avoiding them will help you limit the number of websites you need to look at.

    • Laura Betcher 2:50 pm on December 21, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Even though I do not share your academic background a general suggestion to go about the selection process would be to pick articles from databases centered to your subject and not from miscellaneous all-subject databases. You should also make your literature review as comprehensive as possible, search for relevant research works on government/private health websites and in existing dissertations written by scholars in your field. Only when you have exhausted all possible research sources from your field can you write a thorough literature review. It is very important that the selected articles should be from recent studies in the field, not from older researches. And apart from writing about existing research developments in the field, a literature Review should present a critical understanding about present research, including a research gap which your research seeks to fulfill.

    • jamie16917 9:00 pm on December 21, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      I’ve completed my PhD in the field of nutrition, my research work was based on recommendations to limit the amount of vitamin dosages in food supplements.According to me,you should only access resources from highly ranked and reputed journals such as the Annual Review of nutrition, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, International Journal of Obesity and others. And if you know of renowned researchers or scientists working in your area of interest, search for papers published by them.

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