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  • kelly451 5:35 am on January 31, 2018 Permalink | Reply  

    How do I re-formulate my research questions and restructure my thesis? 

    My thesis has become a nightmare that I am living, I cannot even concentrate on anything this thesis sucks all the time of my life. I just want to get done with it my guide keeps rejecting my thesis and I have become fed up with this whole process itself. I cannot understand what should I do to get my thesis approved? Since it is becoming humiliating to have to work on the same thing for so many years now. I am PhD student of Macro Economics, my research topic is smart services/ E-services provided by the government in Dubai. I need help in re-formulating my research questions and restructuring my thesis, these are the two issues that my guide keeps on emphasizing on time and again. It would be a great if any suggestion or proposition can be given that would actually help me come out of this jeopardy.

  • kumarivarsha802 10:50 am on January 23, 2018 Permalink | Reply  

    I’m in my first year of PhD. My research is regarding culturing of Leishmania donovani parasites and testing the efficacy of plant extract for its anti leishmanial activities. I am facing a lot of problems in culturing the parasite. As I am the only research scholar under my guide, I am really frustrated as I have to manage everything. From ordering new chemicals to maintenance of the lab, propagation of cells and now the parasites. Apart from this, I have to take out time for study as well as study for my research. My guide also asks me to help him with presentations regarding the classes he needs to take. Amidst so much workload and stress, it is my practical work that is suffering. I am unable to devote sufficient time to my wet lab practices. I am finding it extremely difficult to maintain the cell lines and parasite cultures. My passages are not successful. Either there is some fungal infection or the cells die (due to some reason that I am unable to fathom). This is further irritating my guide, as he is losing faith in me. I am unable to manage the cell lines and it also a huge financial burden. (the cells are costly to procure. Further the instruments and equipments required for handling them are costly and need to be discarded after a single use. So my resources are getting wasted too). Kindly help me with some advice on successful culturing cell lines and parasites as would be help me a lot.

  • joseph664 4:11 am on January 10, 2018 Permalink | Reply  

    How to make an Annotated Bibliography? 

    I need assistance in formulating an annotated bibliography for my research thesis on innovative practices introduced by e-commerce websites in the last decade. My supervisor has asked me to send one in and I’ve never made one, so I’m clueless how to go about it. Has anyone made an annotated bibliography for a management related dissertation or thesis? Could you tell me how to go about selecting the headings for the various columns of the annotated bibliography? And how do I decide how many references to include in the table?

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